Brain Cognition: P8 Cognitive Reasoning 102

Enrichment Course

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Enhancing Your Brain Cognition Skills with King Solomon’s Brain Cognition Skills Methods

P8 is an abbreviation for Proverbs chapter 8. The author of Proverbs chapter 8 is King Solomon. King Solomon (King of Israel, flourished c.975 BCE – c.926 BCE)[1]. Why is the author significant to the course? The author was the wisest and richest man for a time period.

Key Term: Biblical Hebrew term חׇכְמָה (ḥāḵmâ) 'wisdom'

What brain cognition skills have been enhanced by course users?

The type of brain cognition skills that are improved are related to the Biblical Hebrew term חׇכְמָה (ḥāḵmâ) 'wisdom', authored by King Solomon. A Lexicon Strong’s reference H2451. This term's Biblical outline usage refers to the following terms;

  • skill
  • administration
  • technical work
  • prudence
  • comprehension of various domains of knowledge
  • shrewdness
  • wit

Your Guide

Are you ready to enhance your cognitive reasoning and understanding of brain cognition skills to the next level?

The book and online course serves as your guide.  The guide has interactive questions to foster your critical thinking while stimulating personal engagement.  

The course user's engagement is captivated by the guide’s carefully curated components listed 1-10 below.

  1. Assets (Before and After Assessment)
  2. Expense-to-Income Percentage (Before and After Assessment)
  3. Labor Production Rate & Learning Curve Rate (Before and After Assessment)
  4. Health Statuses (Before and After Assessment)
  5. Cognitive Science & Economic Terms in Glossary
  6. Visual Learning Aspects in Vivid Color
  7. Illustrations to Enhance Text, Concepts, and Ideas
  8. Diagrams to Simplify Complex Information
  9. Graphics Rich with Diverse Color Palette
  10. Questions to Spark Application

Certificate Issued by Economics, Inc. | (www.Economics.Solutions)

Upon completing the course, you will receive a 'Brain Cognition: P8 Cognitive Reasoning 102' certificate issued by Economics, Inc. Each time you complete a lesson, you will receive a number of points. There are 100 points total. In order to complete the course and receive your name on a certificate, you are required to complete each lesson.

7 Hours to Complete the Course 

The course can be completed in about 7 hours at your own pace.  Upon completing the course, individuals gain valuable insights by revisiting the course content.  This allows them to seamlessly integrate enriching lessons into their daily lives.  This continuous reference to the course material ensures practical application and long-term retention of the inestimable valuable acquired.

8 Months Online Access with No Time Requirements 

8 months of online access. You're busy. We understand. Course users can learn and apply the assimilation of the lessons at their own pace. Course users are encouraged to learn and apply their understandings at an enjoyable pace. Course users are able to complete the course in eight weeks.

Live Webinars of the Lessons

Sit back and relax. We are excited to offer a variety of learning modalities. Within this course's lessons, the learning modalities include live video and audio through a webinar. As well as reading, writing, and kinesthetic. Kinesthetic as in learning by application of the lessons with the assignments & questions.

What happens if you miss a live webinar due to your schedule?

You can watch the replay or catch the next time the lesson goes live.


"Brett's award winning programs are ingenious to empower those who could use help cognitively to increase their assets and income, decrease overall debts, boost learning curves, and strengthen their approaches to day-to-day spending and life habits. If you are looking to grow in your way of thinking, boost your credit score and borrowing power, increase your financial wealth, and track and learn the how, and the why, then this is certainly for you. I tip my hat to you Brett for finding your passion of serving others while keeping God at the center of it all! I highly recommend letting this man help you!"

 - Harlyn Unruh, CFO at ZFG Mortgage LLC

"His fresh ideas and knowledge of high level business processes are very helpful when needing to think way outside the box. I also highly recommend any of his written material. If you are an emerging leader in the new economy I suggest you connect with Brett and keep up with what he is doing."

 -John S. Martin, Founder and CEO of Biblical Financial Literacy Program & Sovereign Private Wealth Management Fund

"Brett Phillips is an author, teacher, entrepreneur, and financial coach whose reputation and work precede him. His revelation on finances and his ability to incorporate that into teaching others is unmatched. I have personally had a one-on-one meeting with him, and it has turned things around for me. You can get his materials or sign up for his online course and thank me later."

 -Abraham Lincoln Ankamah, Pastor, Cross Pointe Assembly of God Church


14 Lessons

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Live Teaching & Webinar

Live teaching for increased comprehension and application

Get to the Point: The Outline & Beginning of Your Brain Cognition Journey

See Yourself on a Concise Path Advancing in Brain Cognition through this Course Outline

The 6 Behavioral Economic Assessments Before & After

Identify Areas to Improve the 6 Behavioral Economic Assessments with the Improved Brain Cognition Skills

Introduction to P8 Cognitive Reasoning - The Attainable Mind & Brain Capability

Lesson Description Objective: Directly Associate Brain Cognition with 1. Labor Productivity, 2. Disposable Income, 3. Expense-to-Income Ratios, 4. Assets, 5. Learning Curve, 6. Health Statuses

King Solomon: The Author of Proverbs Chapter 8

Learn the Significance about the Author of Proverbs Chapter 8 and the Noteworthiness of Proverbs 8’s Claims

The Properties of Proverbs Chapter 8 - Part 1 of 2

Comprehend the Properties of Proverbs 8 as they Relate to the Mechanics of Physics & Algorithms

The Properties of Proverbs Chapter 8 - Part 2 of 2

Comprehend the Properties of Proverbs 8 as they Relate to the Mechanics of Physics & Algorithms

The Science of P8 Cognitive Reasoning

Comprehend the Mechanics of P8 Cognitive Reasoning with a Scientific Logic

How to Advance in P8 Cognitive Reasoning

Eight Actions to Take for Advancing in P8 Cognitive Reasoning

Labor Productivity and Output Rates

Know the Foundations of Labor Productivity and Output Rates

New GDP Calculations

Acquire Understanding on P8 Cognitive Reasoning and GDP Calculations

Foundational Terms within Cognitive Science, Economics & Finance

As we progress at becoming a professional we know we need to apply abstract concepts to concrete financial terms and cognitive science terms.

Your Personal Demonstration & Our Mission

Showing You How P8 Cognitive Reasoning is Demonstrated. A Powerpoint Demonstration of the Course Content and Our Mission.

Improving for You & Our Mission

Please provide your feedback so we can improve courses for you and our mission